Rags I Read

This section is just for books, yes I read other mediums than the interwebs. I probably wont go into much detail on any of the books I list here (since most of them will be too in depth for me to summarize) but I will give them a rating, and the rating system will be based on numbers (to make it easy). 1-10, one being the worst and ten being the best. I will apologize ahead of time for anyone whom I offend with my ratings as I'm not a book reviewer nor am I qualified to professionally read, I just give my opinions to random people on the interwebs and it makes me feel better about reading the book. Soooooooo here it is!

Star Wars: The Old Republics "Fatal Alliance" 
(based on SW:TOR from Bioware and Lucas art)


This book was a bit slow in the beginning, but around chapter 10 the action really started picking up. If your into Star Wars and you really want to understand the times and history behind "The old Republic" give this book a go. Deceived is the next book in the series, I will be listening to this book via my MP3 player (yeah I know its cheating but I found a free copy) . 
More Info (spoiler alert).

Star Wars: The Old Republics "Deceived" 
(based on SW:TOR from Bioware and Lucas art)

Great book, couldn't put it down. I really loved how in depth they got with the relationships of Malgus and his "slave".

Great book, probably the best I have read in the series. The twists in plot and the dynamic between a Sith and Jedi working together was amazing. If you haven't already, do yourself the favor and read this one!

Currently reading (great so far)